highly resourced
We have invested a significant amount of time and money acquiring access to the very best databases within Australia. When it comes to searching for people in Australia we have the information that is required to trace a person of interest. Our team of open source intelligence investigators have are skilled at conducting online queries to find a lead that others wouldn’t.
expert inquiries
We have dedicated investigators that are skilled in making phone inquires and have a natural ability to gather information from people, not possible for other investigation firms. To conduct a successful search for someone in Australia, inquiries generally product the most valuable results. Speak with us if you need to find someone in Australia.
Often people try to search for people in Australia and fail to locate the person of interest. It takes a lot more than searching through Facebook or the website advertising online as people finders. It takes skill and time under the belt to conduct a successful locate, along with access to expensive databases not available to the general public.
trace and locate MISSING PEOPLE
If you are trying to search and locate a person within Australia, then we can help! With over a decade of experience conducting searches on people of interest, we have become specialists in the field.
Our investigators are skilled when it comes to conducting open source intelligence gathering and online database searches and boast a very good success rate.
Quite often people that are being traced tend to fly under the radar and keep a low profile. This makes it near impossible for the average person to find any leads to locate the person of interest and can be time consuming to no avail.
Speak to a professional who can provide an honest consultation as to what the costs are and the time fame to conduct such an investigation.
Search for missing person tracing near you and contact any of our offices located in Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth, and Adelaide.
skip tracing services AUSTRALIA
Our skip tracing services are conducted by professional investigators, skilled and experienced in locating people. Our skip tracers are trained in conducting online intelligence searches and making discreet phone inquiries to gather leads and ultimately locate the target.
Skip tracing can be used for various reasons, but most commonly it is used to locate debtors and serve court documents. The same skip tracing skills are used when locating missing persons or locating lost friends.
- serve documents
We serve documents for all legal matters. Our investigators are experienced in conducting online searches and phone inquiries to find leads and locate respondants. Our investigators can help you serve legal documents and final notices.
- debt recovery
Without locating your debtor there is no way of recovering what is owed to you. Our experienced investigators understand how they operate and avoid detection and can help you bring them to the surface. We search for debtors daily and are good at what we do.
- missing family
Would you like to reconnect with a family member whom you haven’t seen for some time? Maybe yo were adopted and have decided to try and make contact with a parent. Is there a long lost love you want to see again? Maybe we can help. We offer a free consultation.

A good investigator knows the principles of investigation methods required to uncover the facts.

Nothing matters but the facts. Without them, the science of criminal investigation is nothing more than a guessing game.
Blake Edwards